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The Healing Compass Blog

Jul 2, 20242 min read
New Study on Soy, Breast Cancer & Improved Survival
Its always good to see new studies and data on the controversial topics. Back in 2003 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer the...

Jun 21, 20242 min read
What you should and shouldn't say to someone with cancer
This is a great article on what to say and what not to's worth sharing! A cancer diagnosis is devastating for the patient. It...

May 1, 20245 min read
Setting Boundaries to Support Self Care
It's time to put a stop to feeling overwhelmed, unseen, and compromising your self care. Setting healthy boundaries can have many...

Mar 25, 20245 min read
What To Do When You are Newly Diagnosed with Cancer
First, take a deep breath. Determine if you are in an emotional emergency or a physical emergency. Many cancers have been growing for...

Mar 10, 20244 min read
How to Create a Meaningful Life
Karla Mans Giroux One day I would love to write my memoir about my healing journey through cancer. I certainly know my journey and what I...

Feb 26, 20245 min read
Lessons on Health from an Imperfect Health Coach
Karla Mans Giroux I hate to admit it, but I have a cold. It’s not horrible but it is slowing me down. The reason I hate to admit it is...

Feb 10, 20244 min read
Using Intuition for Healing
Do you ever just know something? Are there times when you can’t explain it, but you just know? You know something is right or you know...

Jan 10, 20243 min read
Are You Living on Autopilot? Make Conscious Choices Today
Living a truly healthy life can be challenging in the beginning but it definitely gets easier over time. You first need to question...

Dec 27, 20234 min read
Boost Your Mood - Boost Your Immune System
Immune boosting strategies can’t be overstated for those of us on a journey back to optimal health. Our brilliant bodies are meant to be...

Dec 14, 20234 min read
Opting out of Holiday Stress
Stress is a normal part of life. Although many of us on a healing journey learn early on how important it is to manage our stress and...

Dec 8, 20233 min read
I Know I Am Worthy
Do you ever have days when you feel so lucky? Lucky to be alive. Lucky to have all you have. I hope you do because there is nothing...

Nov 28, 20232 min read
Cancer Was My Wake-Up Call
Not the first time. It took a second diagnosis to wake me up. It was the stage 4 diagnosis that made me really look at my life. When I...

Aug 13, 20233 min read
A Million Little Miracles
My morning began with an early workout session. Geared up with my free weights and headphones on, I was caught by a song, called “A...

Jul 2, 20235 min read
Light as Medicine - by Emma Sabin
We cannot live without sunlight. Plants, animals and all beings need light, and not just any type of light, we need balanced light, the...

May 17, 20232 min read
Now, we are all familiar with a “To Do List.” You know, the lists we create of tasks we want to accomplish throughout our day and week....

Apr 14, 20232 min read
Practicing Patience
Have you ever felt like sometimes you are sabotaging your own healing? There are so many ways in which we can sabotage ourselves. One of...

Jan 21, 20232 min read
Lessons from Winter: The Water Element
According to Chinese medicine each season corresponds energetically to a different organ system in our bodies. The Kidney System (both...

Sep 26, 20225 min read
Thriver's Spotlight: Julie
Welcome to our Thriver's Spotlight where we highlight an experience of a Health Navigator community member that shares our values of...

May 11, 20222 min read
Cancer As a Call to Love
For me, cancer was a call to love. A call for me to love myself and to learn to love my body, mind, and spirit back to health. Also, to...

Mar 31, 20224 min read
The Benefits of a Healing Retreat
It seemed appropriate to talk about the benefits of healing retreats since we have the exciting opportunity to offer two in-person...
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