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The Benefits of a Healing Retreat

Updated: Apr 1, 2022

It seemed appropriate to talk about the benefits of healing retreats since we have the exciting opportunity to offer two in-person Radical Remission workshop retreats this summer, both in beautiful locations on either side of the US.

If you have been following the Health Navigators, you probably already know about the benefits of the Radical Remission/Radical Hope healing factors from the research of Dr. Kelly Turner. So, what are the benefits of stepping away from your everyday life and immersing yourself into 3 days of healing and health? Let me tell you….

Let’s start with that part about stepping away from your everyday life…that alone could be enough. What a treat to take 3 days away to focus on your health and healing. To get a change of scenery and let someone else take care of your meals, make all the decisions, etc.

According to, “…retreats are purposeful getaways that are aimed at rescuing you from an undesired or unpleasant situation and whisking you off to an exotic location to heal in that particular respect.” The article offers 7 Reasons You Should Consider Retreats Over Regular Vacations.(1) Here are the 7 reasons and Karla's commentary on them!

1. Retreats Have Long-Term Benefits – and what you will learn about implementing the Radical Remission healing factors into your life and creating a game plan to help you do that when you return home, will also have long-term benefits.

2. Retreats Provide Peace Away from Your Daily Routine – when you are on a healing journey your daily routine really does need to become your own. If you have made significant changes to your routine at home that’s great and stepping away from that can be good for you too. Retreat locations in general are peaceful and relaxing, the two we are teaching at are indeed very relaxing and beautiful locations. The grounds of both are full of beautiful gardens and meditative spaces and lovely walking trails.

3. Nature Let’s You Unwind – the beauty of nature and all the benefits it has to offer can’t be overstated. Omega is in Rhinebeck, NY and in June their grounds will be in full bloom. Harmony Hill is in Union, WA and in late July their gardens will also be in bloom and the view of Mt Hood across the Hood Canal is gorgeous. The wildlife spotting will be plentiful so plan to sit and take it all in as much as you can.

4. You’re Surrounded by Like-Minded Company – to be with other’s who understand your journey, your fear, your hope is so refreshing. You likely have many people supporting you who offer plenty of sympathy, but only when you are with others who have experienced a serious diagnosis do you find people who offer empathy. Here you will be safe to make deep connections with others and find an increased feeling of hope for your future.

5. You Have Access to Professional Guidance – we will guide you on learning the 10 healing factors and how you can implement them into your life. Liz and I have been trained by Dr. Turner and have been doing this work for nearly 3 years. She has the caregiver experience and I have the cancer thriver experience. The staff at both retreat centers are also experienced and very good at what they do. You will be in very good hands.

6. You Don’t Have to Worry About Planning – pack your bags and show up. The rest is taken care of for you. The food at both locations is amazing! You will get to eat plant-based meals that will be so delicious you will want to eat too much! The Radical Remission workshop will certainly keep you occupied but you will find time for movement and relaxation as well, all built right in.

7. Retreats Can be More Economical – both locations offer very reasonable all-inclusive stays. If you were to break out the food, the accommodations, the activities and many amenities, retreats would add up quickly and cost significantly higher a-la cart.

Here is some great information from an evidence-based study being conducted on healing retreats…“Preliminary results suggest that breast cancer survivors who attend a 3-day nature retreat designed for women who have been treated for breast cancer may realize positive biological and psychological health benefits for as long as a year after the event. We are very excited by the results, said Teresa E. Woods, PhD, clinical health psychologist and research scientist for the HealthEmotions Research Institute, particularly by the effect the retreat seemed to have even 1 year later.” However, she emphasized that these results are preliminary and are based on a small sample. (2)

Even if you aren’t a breast cancer survivor/thriver you can probably figure out that a retreat for anyone seeking to heal would be beneficial. Check out the two upcoming Radical Remission workshop retreats and make your plans to join us!

In Peace, Love and Health,


For more information on our upcoming retreats visit

Harmony Hill Retreat Center, July 29-31, 2022


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